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  • Writer's pictureDerek Jones

Top 5 Reasons VA Disability Claims Get Denied

Hey there fellow veteran,

Have you ever pondered the significance of relying on WSDV for your VA disability rating journey? It's straightforward. Delve into my blog below outlining the top 5 reasons claims get denied at the VA. Choosing our company ensures your claim steers clear of these pitfalls. Aligning with us means joining an elite team with an impressive 97% success rate. Discover the keys to unlocking success with WSDV!

As the owner of a company dedicated to assisting veterans with their VA disability rating, I understand the frustration and disappointment that comes with a denied claim. While the process is designed to support veterans, there are common pitfalls that can lead to denials. In this blog, we'll explore the top 5 reasons VA disability claims may get denied and provide insights to help veterans navigate these challenges.

1. Insufficient Medical Evidence:

One of the primary reasons for VA disability claim denials is the lack of comprehensive medical evidence. To establish a connection between a service-related injury or condition and its impact on daily life, it's crucial to provide detailed medical documentation. Ensure that all relevant medical records, test results, and doctor's opinions are included in your claim. The absence of compelling evidence can result in the VA's inability to establish the severity of the disability, leading to a denial.

Tip: Work closely with your healthcare providers to gather thorough and up-to-date medical records. Include details about how your condition affects your ability to work and perform daily activities.

2. Failure to Attend Medical Examinations:

The VA may schedule medical examinations to assess the severity of a veteran's condition. Failure to attend these appointments without a valid reason can lead to claim denials. It's crucial to prioritize and attend all scheduled medical examinations to ensure an accurate evaluation of your disability.

Tip: Keep track of all scheduled medical appointments and make arrangements well in advance if you cannot attend. Notify the VA promptly and provide any necessary documentation for rescheduling.

3. Lack of Service Connection:

A clear connection between a disability and military service is essential for a successful VA disability claim. Some claims are denied because the condition is not recognized as service-connected. Providing evidence demonstrating that the injury or illness results from military service is crucial.

Tip: Research and gather documentation supporting the link between your disability and your time in the military. Statements from fellow service members or incident reports can strengthen your case.

4. Incomplete Application or Missing Information:

Incomplete or inaccurate information in your application can result in a denial. Ensure that all sections of your claim are filled out accurately and completely. Missing information or errors can lead to delays and may hinder the processing of your claim.

Tip: Review your application thoroughly before submission. Seek assistance from our professional coaches experienced in VA disability claims to ensure all required information is included.

5. Lack of a Nexus Statement:

A nexus statement is crucial in connecting a service-related injury to the current disability. This statement, often provided by a medical professional, explains how the veteran's current condition is related to their military service. The absence of a convincing nexus statement can lead to a denial.

Tip: We at WSDV have independent medical providers readily available to assist you with your nexus letter.


Navigating the VA disability claims process can be challenging, but understanding the common reasons for denials is crucial for a successful outcome. By addressing these issues head-on and seeking guidance when needed, veterans can enhance their chances of securing the disability benefits they rightfully deserve. Remember, persistence and accuracy are critical in achieving a positive outcome in the VA disability claims process.

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